Discover, in real time, how each meal affects your metabolism. Empower yourself with personalized recommendations to optimize your nutrition and lifestyle.
the APP
With the YEDA app, you can record your diet and daily activities,getting personalized recommendations that will boost your health.Through easy and intuitive graphs, you will be able to visualize the impact of each activity on your blood glucose level, discovering how your body responds to each of them.Follow the recommendations provided to have effective control over your metabolism.At YEDA we understand that restrictive diets are not the solution, so we will teach you how to combine your meals optimally to improve your results. We know that knowledge is power, and we will provide you with the necessary tools to achieve the well-being you desire.

Prueba agregar un yogurt griego a tu avocado toast en el desayuno para alcanzar un
10/10 ! 💪
Tu ranking: 7/10
ΔGlucemia = 28 mg/dl
Sample Collection Kit

Receive your YEDA kit
YEDA allows you to monitor your blood glucose with CGM sensors. It is a small device that measures your blood glucose level in real time for up to 14 days. With a size of 35 mm (similar to that of a real 1 coin, which measures 27 mm), you can use it comfortably in all the activities of your routine, be it during physical exercise, sleep and more.

Download our APP
With the YEDA app, you can record your diet and daily activities, obtaining personalized recommendations that will boost your health. Through easy and intuitive graphs, you will be able to visualize the impact of each activity on your blood glucose level, discovering how your body responds to each of them.

Follow the recommendations
Follow the recommendations provided to have effective control over your metabolism. At YEDA we understand that restrictive diets are not the solution, so we will teach you how to combine your meals with your lifestyle in an optimal way for you. We know that knowledge is power, and we will provide you with the necessary tools to achieve the well-being you desire.

Intensidad: 5
Mis datos
% Variación=20%
Hoy, lunes 29
Trata de caminar 15 min luego de tu almuerzo
Encontramos que agregar una fuente de grasa a tu comida reduce tu RGPP. Prueba agregar un yogurt griego a tu desayuno
Intenta dormir al menos 7,5 horas esta noche

The paradigm shift that YEDA seeks to impose is to move from universal treatments to personalized methods. Each person is unique and we deserve to know each other.
We invite you to be part of this personalized medicine and nutrition revolution!